(in)side Scoop on (in)courage

Have you ever had a group of friends that were simply (in)credible?  Perhaps they (in)fuse your life with joy or (in)spire you to be the woman God desires you to be. I know women like this because they just happen to be the women of (in)courage.

 Picture 5

(in)courage www.incourage.me is the new hip and happening thing over at Day Spring! Check out how they are reaching out to women in a fun new way. (in)courage is launching on August 10thand I am humbled to be among the gifted group of bloggers and artists who will contribute to this exciting new bloggy brand.

I also get the great privilege to introduce Heather Gemmen Wilson http://www.heathergemmen.com/blogger.html. Heather is a professional triple threat. She works hard as an author, speaker AND editor. Check out her website and look for her at (in)courage…she has (in)exhaustible talent!


21 responses to “(in)side Scoop on (in)courage

  1. Sounds very cool! And I’m so happy for you!!!!

  2. Can’t wait till the launch!

  3. CONGRATS!!!

  4. Thanks for your kind words, Ginny. I’m excited about (in)courage too!

  5. Here by way of Emily from Chatting at the Sky. I’m so excited to read about this project. Praying for all of you as you start this new adventure!

  6. Ginny, girl, you are so many of my favorites all wrapped up in one–wicked funny, smart, talented and a fellow Texas girl. What more could you want? I’m so glad we met on these pages and then at She Speaks! It’s great to be (in) with you!

  7. I am also humbled to be part of such an amazing group! It is almost Monday… yeah!!

  8. I’m still pinching myself that I got asked to write for (in) alongside AMAZING writers like yourself!

    MUAH! 🙂

  9. So excited to be a part of this with someone as fab as YOU!

  10. Hey there! I’m leaving this comment about an older post titled “hi my name is…” where you introduced yourself with fun facts. I’ve never checked your blog before but really love it. Anyways, just wanted you to know i was encouraged by that post b/c you said in there that God used Young Life to change your view of church (which I’m assuming you meant as a good thing, not sure). Anyways, my husband and I work for YL and have for almost a decade. It’s been a hard year in ministry for lots of different, rather intangible, reasons, and it’s just good to be reminded that not everyone thinks that what we’re doing is a total crock. So thanks for sharing that. Oh, and i laughed when i read about your diet coke addiction. I’m pregnant with our first child and my husband made me give up diet coke because he said my “womb was full of aspartame.” Can’t wait to get back to my diet coke vice as soon as bambino is born!

    • That is hilarious about your womb!

      I am a huge YL fan! It changed my life and the lives of many of my friends. Where do yall serve?

      • We are in North Carolina – more specifically Surry County or Mount Airy, which, if you’re an Andy Griffith fan, is Mayberry (no lie! on weekends the whistling theme song blares over outdoor speakers on main street. Hi-larious!). Thanks for responding! and where do you live?

      • martin jenny

        My father’s all time favorite show was Andy Griffith–grew up with that show and loved every minute of it! I am in Houston, TX–and I must say I love Texas more than I can say…hate the heat, but LOVE the area. Thanks for reading–it is nice to connect.

      • It really is nice to connect. I’m a Texas girl myself!! Born in San Antonio. All of my extended family still lives there (San An, Austin, and Dallas). We actually just got done doing a month long assignment at a YL camp and a BUNCH of the folks we were with are on YL staff in Houston. Too funny. God bless in all you’re doing….

  11. Jenny,
    I just found you on the incourage website which I got to from Angie from the Bring the Rain blog. When she told about this last Friday and that it was connected to DaySpring I figured I would find you. Congratulations! I know someone famous! So happy for you.
    Love, Donna

    • I don’t know about famous, but I am completely out of my league…there is some pretty sick talent at (in)courage! Thanks for finding me 🙂

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